Generate images with Dall-E

Images app can help you generate, edit, or generate variants of an image using OpenAI Dall-E. It produce the same result as our built-in Image generator, but with a standalone interface

Generate/edit options

In the Image app interface, there are a few options available

  • Total output: the number of output result (ie set to 4 will generate 4 images)
  • Size: size of the output image (limited by OpenAI Dall-E)

To generate an image:

  1. Visit Images app
  2. Select Generations for Type input
  3. Describe whatever you want to generate in Prompt input
  4. Click Generate and wait for the result

To edit (inpaint or outpaint) an image:

  1. Visit Images app
  2. Select Edit for Type input
  3. Click Choose a file to choose. Then crop your photo (note that only support squared photos), and click Crop to continue
  4. Now, with the cursor, erase the parts that you want Dall-E to edit
  5. (optional) Describe whatever you want to generate in Prompt input
  6. Click Generate and wait for the result

To generate a variants of a photo:

  1. Visit Images app
  2. Select Variations for Type input
  3. Click Choose a file to choose. Then crop your photo (note that only support squared photos), and click Crop to continue
  4. Then click Generate and wait for the result

For further details, including pricing, see Image documentation

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